The Business Case for more UK Women Leaders
This CLP notes:
That the UK FTSE 350 companies had a voluntary target of 33% women representation on their Boards by 2020. Whilst FTSE 100 companies have exceeded this target there continues to be invisible barriers, with only 4 women holding CEO positions; women are poorly represented in those areas where future technology and economic opportunities lie, 16% in Chief Information Officer Roles, 17% are Chief Finance Officers.
This CLP believes:
The global pandemic has threatened the progress of women at all levels of society, they hold an unequal burden of care. Extensive research shows that more diverse Boards lead to better outcomes for business and society. The success of women world leaders in handling the pandemic resulted in significantly fewer deaths. This success could be transferred to UK businesses taking women with them through the technological revolution, where future jobs and training are critical to the UK’s economy. This CLP does not believe in setting quotas, but rather in targets that lead to women being selected on merit.
This CLP resolves:
The Labour Party should support more target setting of women when appointing executives. They should urge the government to award contracts to businesses that recognise women’s contribution at the Board and Executive level. To do so would require women’s representation at the highest level sitting alongside price and quality as criteria for successful award.
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