Ordinary motion (presented by John Johnson 22nd Nov 2018)


‘Labour to support the continuity of free TV licences for over 75 year olds’

This CLP notes:

  • Poverty levels in this age group is 18.5% compared to 11% among the whole population.
  • Our pensions are below that of Mexico & Chile one measurement puts us 36th in the world league.
  • The German state pension is £26,000, the French state Pension is £15,811 and the British state pension is £7,488.


This CLP believes:

  • Free TV Licences for 75 year olds must continue.
  • The Treasury concession to the BBC is due to end in June 2020 and there is a possibility that this burden may be passed on by the BBC, saving £745 million a year.
  • This concession is to be reinstated.


This CLP resolves:

  • That every member contact James Brokenshire MP individually seeking his vocal support in Parliament to retain the concession.
  • That this motion is circulated to Tom Watson MP seeking his vocal support in Parliament to retain the concession.
  • That this motion is circulated to the NEC.
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