This motion was unanimously passed.
Old Bexley & Sidcup CLP notes that
Boris Johnson as mayor of London inflicted the worst cuts in its history on the London Fire Brigade.
Closing 10 London Fire Stations, axing 27 London Fire Appliances, reduced minimum ridership levels of Fire Rescue Units from minimum 5 to Minimum 4 and reduced the London fire Brigades establishment by 740 firefighters.
That fire deaths in London in 2017 rose by 40% (not including the Grenfell Disaster) and that attendance times for the first and second appliances have increased.
That the Fire Brigades Union national policy for safe systems of work is minimum 5 riders on all pumping appliances and that the London Fire Brigade rides minimum 4 on many front line pumping appliances.
That the London region of the FBU Believes a safe system of work requires minimum 5 riders on a Fire Rescue Unite and that the LFB rides minimum 4 on FRU.
This CLP Believes that
The cuts that Boris Johnson inflicted as Mayor on the LFB have led to the increase in attendance time and fire deaths in the capital.
That Minimum ridership of 5 on all frontline pumping appliances should be adopted in London and nationally.
That Minimum Ridership of 5 should be adopted for all FRU’s in London.
This CLP resolves to
To circulate this motion to all CLP’s in London and the NEC
To ask all local councillors to support minimum ridership’s of 5 on all front line pumping appliance and FRU’s in London and to send a joint letter to the Mayor of London, the deputy mayor of fire for London and the Commissioner of the LFB in regards to this issue and to work with the FBU locally