Standing Against Brexit, Standing Up for a People’s Vote
Old Bexley & Sidcup CLP notes
- The UK will leave the European Union on March 29th 2019 if a majority of MPs vote for the EU Withdrawal And Implementation (WAI) Bill
- The Labour Party campaigned for Remain in the 2016 referendum and has a long history of supporting full membership of the EU
Old Bexley & Sidcup CLP believes
- If the UK leaves the European Union, our country will be permanently poorer, have diminished influence in the world and the greatest burden will fall on the poorest and youngest in society
- Any form of Brexit will damage the NHS; the Nuffield Trust projects the economic impact will translate into an annual £2.4bn shortfall in funding
- There is clear evidence that a majority of Labour Party voters and members are opposed to Brexit
- A recent poll from Labour Future found that 81% of Labour voters support a referendum on the final terms of Brexit
- The strong 2017 general election result achieved under the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn means the votes of Labour MPs will have a significant influence on the WAI Bill
- The terms of Brexit were not clear in the 2016 referendum, but it is now clear that no form of Brexit can meet Labour’s six tests
Old Bexley & Sidcup CLP resolves
- The Labour Party should give the British people the opportunity to have the final say, by:
- Voting against the WAI Bill, AND
- Supporting a referendum on the final terms of the exit deal, with an option to remain full members of the European Union
- Our delegates to Party Conference in 2018 will vote in favour of any motion that aligns with this resolution
- Delegates for Conference to vote for a procedural motion to ensure that Brexit can be debated at Conference
- 16 year olds and over are entitled to vote in any referendum on the terms of the deal with an option to remain in the EU
- British citizens residing in Europe are able to vote in any referendum on the terms of the deal with an option to remain in the EU.